Holy Night Music Worship: Celebrating the Savior’s Birth
Celebrate the Holy Night with Songs of Praise and Joy!
D Special Performances: 诗歌、乐队、独唱、合唱等。
Scripture Readings: 圣经经文朗读,牧师布道和祷告。
Candlelight Worship: 烛光仪式。
Community Celebration: 适合家庭、朋友一起参与的温暖夜晚。
Dress warmly for the candlelight worship: 夜晚烛光敬拜,请穿暖和衣物。 (Evening candlelight worship, please wear warm clothes.)
Come with a heart ready to sing and worship: 带着愿意歌唱和敬拜的心来。 (Come with a heart willing to sing and worship.)
Language: 语言:普通话 (Language: Mandarin)
Cost: 费用:免费的,Free Admission (Cost: Free admission)
Childcare: 儿童安排:提供儿童看护 (Childcare: Childcare provided)
Organized by North Shore Pacific Grace Mandarin Church: 西北温国语颂恩堂举办 (Organized by North Shore Pacific Grace Mandarin Church)
Address: 地址:515 W Windsor Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7N 2N7 (Address: 515 W Windsor Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7N 2N7)
Time: 时间:2024年12月24日 6:00-9:00pm (Time: December 24, 2024, 6:00-9:00pm)
Phone: 电话:778-536-7688 (Phone: 778-536-7688)
Email: 邮箱:info@nspgmc.com (Email: info@nspgmc.com)
6:00pm 教会楼下提供简餐
7:00pm 诗歌崇拜开始
9:00pm 活动结束
