关 于 我 们 | About Us
2005 年,西北温基督教颂恩堂(我们的粤语母堂) 被神感动,单独开始一个国语崇拜。
2010 年, 我们的国语教会完全独立。
随着大量的年轻家庭加入,我们教会的持续成长。我们开始负责粤语和国语教会的儿童事工。于2014年三月,我们与西北温基督教颂恩堂(我们的粤语母堂)合力购买了我们目前的教堂建筑,一个我们与粤语堂和蓬勃发展的英语事工分享的设施。近年来,我们 经历了分裂和相互信任的破裂。 神继续赐给我们新的信徒, 但我们 一直在挣扎。 近些日子,BC门诺总会为我们的聚会提供牧养和门徒训练。 我们有了顺服、悔改和宽恕的灵。 我们相信神的恩典正赐给我们一个新的开始和不同的事工样式。 我们祈祷地呼求祂在必要时改变我们,让我们像耶稣一样。
我们的使命、价值观和异象不是偶然的。 它们是神多年来塑造我们的结果。
我们的根源可追溯到新教改革的重洗派复兴运动。 尽管受到强烈的迫害,但很多男人和女人在确认他们的信仰后还是受了洗礼。 他们跟随神并影响世界的愿望是如此强烈,以至于数百人以殉道者的身份献出了生命。 这种激情和承诺吸引了成千上万的人跟随基督,标志着欧洲早期的门诺派运动。 他们的特点是渴望通过分享基督的福音来改变世界。 他们决心与所有人和平共处,决不携带武器。 他们的信仰受到迫害,这使他们更接近神。 它们的影响已在世界各地感受到。 正是从这个团体,我们的运动和教会的创始人出现了。随之而来的,是他们对神的仰赖,这种依靠源于多年的困难和真正追随他并寻求改变的热情。
In 2005, the North Shore Pacific Grace MB Church (our Cantonese mother church) was inspired by God to start a separate Mandarin worship service.
By 2010, our Mandarin congregation had become fully independent.
As a large number of young families joined, our church continued to grow. We began to take charge of the children's ministry for both the Cantonese and Mandarin congregations. In March 2014, we jointly purchased our current church building with the Northwest Vancouver Christian Songen Church (our Cantonese mother church), a facility we share with the Cantonese congregation and our thriving English ministry. In recent years, we have experienced division and a breakdown in mutual trust. God continues to bless us with new believers, but we have been struggling. Recently, the BC Mennonite Brethren Conference has been providing us with pastoral care and discipleship training. We have embraced a spirit of obedience, repentance, and forgiveness. We believe that God's grace is giving us a new beginning and a different ministry style. We pray earnestly for Him to change us as necessary, to make us more like Jesus.
Our mission, values, and vision are not accidental. They are the result of God shaping us over many years.
Our roots can be traced back to the Anabaptist revival movement of the Protestant Reformation. Despite severe persecution, many men and women were baptized upon confession of their faith. Their desire to follow God and impact the world was so strong that hundreds died as martyrs. This passion and commitment drew thousands to follow Christ, marking the early Mennonite movement in Europe. They were characterized by a desire to change the world by sharing the gospel of Christ. They were committed to living in peace with all people, refusing to bear arms. Their faith, refined through persecution, brought them closer to God. Their influence has been felt around the world. It is from this group that the founders of our movement and church emerged. What followed was their reliance on God, a reliance born out of years of hardship and a genuine passion to follow Him and seek change.

路加福音24:48 你們就是這些事的見證
Luke 24:48 - You are witnesses of these
使命为我们界定了神呼召这所教会要完成什么。我们相信教会的使命总结于耶稣在《马太福音》第 28 章给出的"大使命"中:“你们要去,使万民作我的门徒”。 我们用来总结我们使命的声明如下:
“ 爱神 爱人 建造门徒!”